Joined: 03 Feb 2006
Posts: 488
Location: pennsylvanai
Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:30 am |
this is a bd one.
it gives a nice warning that it protects you
then diplays ads in your browser
flick and fluttering in an annoying manner.
it eventually prevents you from accessing the www buy switching you to "proxy server is refusing"
it can be easily fixed in cotrol panel
here is how i did it in XP
ok both ie and mozilla did not connect.
BUT the mail worked
I should have known it was not the isp.
I sent him an emailand he replied in less than an hour on my phone ( telepone also thru the internet)
there was a problem doing it thryu IE so wee went to control panel
and opened " internet options"
at th top click"connections" tab
at th bottom "click on LAN SETTINGS:
under PROXY SERVER bear thge bottom
there is a box with a check
then OK and ok and close control panel
now all is fine and daqndy.
possibly apparently I picked up something bad while I was browsing and searching for a file.
havy search. pass this on as a fix ( I am running xp_ bit othet versions should be similar |